Friday, November 29, 2019

Partnering of Suppliers and Customers

Introduction Partnering is the development of good and effective strategic relationships (Loraine 1993, p. 13). This is mostly between suppliers and customers. The main aim of partnering is to have a sustainable competitive advantage. In partnering, various stakeholders are supposed to transform their businesses while embracing various relationships and processes. They can also embrace leadership and better ways of communication through good business practices.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Partnering of Suppliers and Customers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Transformation in partnering should be done as a joint activity (Loraine 1993, p. 15). Framework contracting on the other hand is an agreement with different suppliers. The main aim of framework contracting is to establish different terms that will be used to govern contracts (Schein 1985, p. 9). These contracts can be awarded over a given period of time . The terms that govern these contracts are normally established in regard to quantity and price. In a broad perspective, framework contracting sets out the terms and conditions that will guide the agreement. Partnering and framework contracting complement each other in a broad way. This is because they are used to come up with good conditions under which more collaborative ways can be enhanced between contractors and their clients (Schein 1985, p. 9). Framework contracting and partnering can encourage a close correspondence in business dealings. This therefore yields a scale of improvements. In addition, they are inclusive and imprecise concepts that capture a wide range of attitudes. Partnering captures the spirit of cooperation that is needed for a successful contract. Framework contracting and partnering are used when stakeholders want to develop a good strategic partnership (Child 1984, p. 11). Partnering and framework contracting come up with broad based contractual commitment s that can be used for long term strategies. Discussion A project in construction is an activity that has specific conditions, a budget, responsibilities, goals and a plan. Projects should have a starting date and an end date. There are various parties that are involved in projects. These parties have diverse interests that are supposed to be taken care of. There are various aspects that are involved in project management and enforcement (Child 1984, p. 18). This ensures that activities are carried out in the most effective way. For a project to be successful, it must have a good plan. This will ensure that things are done in the most efficient manner (Pheysey 1993, p. 17). In a broad perspective, all aspects of the proposed project are supposed to be explored for sustainability. Projects have various advantages and disadvantages. Proper project implementation can improve the quality of a product. This is because projects have a time frame and plan by which they are supposed to be e xecuted. Projects can bring about an improvement in team productivity because they involve various stakeholders with a common goal (Pheysey 1993, p. 19). This means that various interests will be satisfied as a result of the project. As much as companies should bid for good projects through partnering and framework contracting, management tasks can end up being an overhead to the success of the project.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This therefore means that projects need a lot of attention and commitment. On the other hand, diverse interests and goals can frustrate a project. This will be brought about by distinct missions and objectives. Strategic partnering can be said to be structured collaborations between organizations. The main aim of strategic partnering is to take advantage of emerging market opportunities (Green 1995, p. 14). Strategic partnering is meant to res pond to customers more effectively and efficiently than one could have done in isolation. Apart from sharing skills and resources, partnering can also allow partners to share risks. There are various advantages of strategic partnering. Strategic partnering can bring about an improvement in a company’s cash flow (Green 1995, p. 18). This can also reduce overhead costs in one way or the other. Strategic partnering can also act as an avenue to access technology and facilities. Through partnering, a company will be able to improve its credibility and capital flow. This strengthens relationships with suppliers and customers and in the long run reduces costs. There are various disadvantages that come about as a result of strategic partnering. For instance, there might be various barriers to future financing opportunities (Latham 1994, p.9). This can end up with the foreclosure of other important business opportunities. For strategic partnering to be successful, partners should clea rly assess themselves. This is because there might be unexpected disappointments and headaches. Strategic partnering can also bring about a lot of distractions because of the commitments that bind partners together. Framework contracting can be described as an agreement with different suppliers (Latham 1994, p.9). The main aim of framework contracting is to establish different terms that will be used to govern contracts. These contracts can be awarded over a given period of time. The terms that govern contracts are normally established in regard to quantity and price. In a broad perspective, framework contracting sets out the terms and conditions that guide agreements. As a matter of fact, it has various advantages. Advantages will mostly be seen in the outsourcing of goods and services. In addition, it will be able to develop good strategic relationships that can be used to advance a company’s long term objectives. Framework contracting in a broad way enhances processes with in an organization and its partners (Bresnen 1990, p. 14). This means that it can be used as an interesting option for sustainability. In addition, there will be better avenues of evaluating and monitoring initiatives. Disadvantages arise from the assessment of various outcomes. This means that there will be problems in assessing success (Bresnen 1990, p. 18). Framework contracting can lead to an increase in prices that will be used to compensate for additional costs.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Partnering of Suppliers and Customers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These will likely scare away potential partners and investors. It also has a disadvantage of bringing about additional enforcement mechanisms (Argyris . Schà ¶n 1978, p. 21). Framework contracting can be used to come up with good conditions under which more collaborative avenues can be enhanced between contractors and their clients. Collaborativ e contracts can be used to ensure that work is done in a more effective way. These contracts are mostly agreements that are used to enhance good relationships. They can be trade agreements, lease agreements and rental agreements. A trade agreement is a contractual arrangement that defines various trade relations. These agreements are meant to reduce barriers and enhance trade (Green 1995, p. 18). Trade agreements increase the value of commitments amongst various partners. Enhanced protection will increase economic gains as a result of these agreements. Trade agreements allow for free movement of capital and services. These agreements have various weaknesses. For instance, they increase the cost of trade and business. On the other hand, they might also cause problems among various partners (Latham 1994, p.16). A lease agreement is a commitment that guides the relationship between the owner of a property and the person who is leasing it. It is a contract that outlines the conduct of t wo different partners (Argyris .Schà ¶n 1978, p. 21). Lease agreements can help the collaborators to save on costs (more so the person who has leased). In this case, they will also build a good working relationship that can be used to enhance skills (Latham 1994, p.19). Some of these lease agreements can increase costs. This can involve various levels and types of insurance coverage. There can be weaknesses in the validation process of lease agreements. A rental agreement can also be termed as a lease. This is where the asset is a tangible property. This agreement defines the conduct of various parties involved (Brown 1995, p. 9). In addition, it has a stipulated period under which it will be considered valid. Such agreements if well enforced can save on costs. There are various weaknesses in accounting and disclosure of income. This should be dealt with to ensure that there are no organizational challenges. Every business can be engaged in a new contract every now and then. As a m atter of fact, there might be problems with the interpretation of clauses. This can mostly be seen in oral contracts (Roe 1996, p.23). Oral contracts can be either unilateral or bilateral. Litigation issues can also arise in the interpretation of various clauses.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, new contracts can also have multi-tiered clauses. Such a problem can potentially demand for additional time to interpret different clauses (Roe 1996, p.23). This will ultimately increase the time needed to enforce a given contract. Conclusion Coherence in partnering should be seen as a strategy in business. On the other hand, there are numerous organizational and economic factors that can either inhibit or encourage partnering. There are various differences between the rhetoric and reality of partnering. In a broad perspective, partnering can deal with lack of integration and fragmentation that have in numerous occasions defined important features of an industry. Partnering and framework contracting complement each other in a broad way. This is because they are used in coming up with good conditions under which more collaborative ways can be enhanced between contractors and their clients. Framework contracting and partnering can encourage a close correspondence in busin ess dealings. In addition, they are inclusive and imprecise concepts that capture a wide range of attitudes. Partnering captures the spirit of cooperation that is needed for a successful contract. Framework contracting and partnering are used when stakeholders want to develop a good strategic partnership. Partnering and framework contracting come up with broad based contractual commitments that can be used for long term strategies. Reference List Argyris, C. Schà ¶n, A., 1978. Theory in practice. San Francisco: Jossey Bass Bresnen, M., 1990. Organizing construction. London: Routledge. Brown, A., 1995. Organizational culture. London: Pitman. Child, J., 1984. Organization. London: Harper Row. Green, R., 1995. Partnering and alliances: theory and practice. Richardson TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers. Latham, M., 1994. Constructing the team. London: HMSO. Loraine, R. K., 1993. Partnering in the public sector. London: Business Round Table. Pheysey, D. C., 1993. Organizational cultur es. London: Routledge. Roe, M., 1996. Partnering: the legal aspects. London: Masons Solicitors. Schein, E., 1985. Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. This report on Partnering of Suppliers and Customers was written and submitted by user M0ck1ngb1rd to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Time series analysis

Time series analysis Free Online Research Papers We are pleased to submit the following report on the â€Å"Time Series Analysis†. By completing the report, we have got acquainted importance and relevance of time series on business application. We also perceived idea on the whole process of Time Series Analysis. We acquired knowledge about the method of measuring trend, growth rate, acceleration rate etc. In spite of limitation of time opportunity we have tried our level best to complete the report. We are pleased to provide you with this report with necessary analysis, references and we shall be available for any clarification, if required. Thank you for assigning us in this study. On behalf of the group Md. Arif Hasan ID: 12-150 Table of Contents Serial No Topic Page No 1 Letter of Transmittal 1 2 Rationale of the study 2 3 Objectives of the report 3 4 Methodology of the report 3 5 What is Time Series 4 6 Uses of Time Series in Business 5 7 Components of a Time Series 5 8 Classical Time Series Model 9 9 Methods of trend measurement 9 10 Least squares method 10 11 The Growth Rate 14 12 The Acceleration Rate 15 13 Rule of 72 16 14 Bibliography 17 Rationale of the study Having been assigned to prepare a report on Time Series Analysis we are submitting the term paper based on our findings and understandings. Time series analysis has vast application and is of huge importance in the field of Business and Economics as well as in decision making thereof. Calculating secular trend we can know whether unit sales or revenues of a particular Business organization are increasing, decreasing or remaining constant over time. Cyclical variation affords us to track the rise and fall of a time series over a longer period of time. It helps us to realize the different stages the organization is going through over time such as prosperity, depression, recession, recovery etc. Seasonal variation helps us to clarify in which particular period of time within a year the Business is making good sales or decreasing sales. Using last square method we can derive a trend equation which dictates us at what particular amount the Business is increasing or decreasing its sales over time. Calculation of Growth Rate makes us understand at what percentage the Business sales are increasing or decreasing over time and Acceleration Rate lets us know whether the Growth Rate will increase or decrease at an increasing or decreasing rate in the successive years. In our report, we have identified described all the components and elements of Time Series Analysis, The Classical Time Series Model, and different methods of measuring trend, application of the Least Square Method and process to calculate growth rate and acceleration rate and their effect on the business thereof. Necessary graphs and charts have also been attached with an exclusive interpretation of the Rule of 72 in the final part of the report. Objectives of the Report ? Defining the Time Series Analysis. ? Distinguishing between Time Series Data and Cross-section Data. ? Identifying the elements of Time Series Analysis. ? Developing the Classical Time Series Model. ? Describing the various components of Time Series Analysis. ? Erecting graphical figures for the components of the Time Series Analysis. ? Identifying different methods of measuring Trend. ? Applying the Least Square Method in practical problems. ? Calculating Growth Rate and Acceleration Rate and describing their effect. ? Describing the Rule of 72 and its application in Growth Rate. Methodology of the Report Being permitted we are submitting this report on Time Series Analysis. Due to time and fund constraints we could not collect primary data, so we prepared this report based on secondary data. Resultantly our report completely relies in hypothetical data rather than experimental data. We created a hypothetical business situation that exactly coincides with the real business situation. Time Series: The most popular method of business forecasting is time series analysis. A time series is a collection of observations of well-defined data items obtained through repeated measurements over a period of time- weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. For example, measuring the value of retail sales each month of the year would comprise a time series. This is because sales revenue is well defined, and consistently measured at equally spaced intervals. Data collected irregularly or only once are not time series. Distinguish between Trend and Growth rate: 1. Trend indicates the changes of a variable over a period of time in absolute term i.e., in original unit of measurement (Tk. US $, Kg, etc.) 2. Growth rate indicates the changes in a variable over a period of time in relative term i.e., in % (percentage). 3. If two or more variables are given or expressed in different units of measurements, their changes over a period of time are not comparable using the trend but the changes are comparable using growth rate. 4. In calculating the trend all the figures of a time series are taken into account, while in estimating the growth rate, the figures of base and current periods are considered. Difference between time series data and cross section data: Time Series Data Cross Section Data Data collected arranged on the basis of time are known as time series data. Data on different items given for a specific time period are known as cross-section data. Example Year Profit Beximco Textile (crore tk) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 12 15 17 19 20 22 Example Company (Textile) Profit in 2007 (crore tk) Beximco Textile Square Textile Dandy AllTex Ashraf Textile 22 24 19 17 15 Uses of Time Series in Business Decision-Making: Various uses of time series in Business Decision-Making are follows:- ? To understand future behaviour: Time series analysis is helpful in predicting the future behaviour. By observing data over a period of time, one can easily understand what changes have taken place in the past what will be in future. ? Planning of future operations: Time series analysis is helpful in planning future operations. The greatest potential of a time series lies in predicting an unknown value of the series. For capital investment decisions, decisions regarding production and inventory etc are example of planning future operations. ? Evaluations of current activities: The actual performance can be compared with the expected performance and the cause of variation analyzed. For example, if expected sales for 2007 were 15 lacs T-shirts and the actual sales were only 14 lacs; one can investigate the cause in the shortfall in achievement. ? It facilitates comparison: Various time series are often compared and important decisions are taken. One statistician can not forecast 100 percent accuracy of future events. It is needed to compare different time series in the same topic. Components of a Time Series: The four basic types of variations which account for the changes in the series over a period of time. The four types of patterns, variations or movements are called components or elements of time series. The four components are 1. Secular Trend 2. Seasonal Variation 3. Cyclical Variation 4. Irregular Variation Secular Trend: Secular trend means the smooth, regular, long-term movement of the data. Among four components trend is the most important and influential. The long term trends of sales, employment, stock prices, and other business and economic series follow various patterns. Some move steadily upward, others decline, and still others stay the same over time. For example, the secular trend of the number of employees in Home Depot (from 1993 to 2002) is shown below. How to identify trend: Sudden and irregular movements either in upward or in downward direction will not be known as trend. Classification of trends: Various types of trends are divided under two heads. ? Linear or Straight Line Trends: The linear trend indicates that the increase or decrease of a time series at constant amount. It is the simplest form in describing the trend movement. ? Non Linear Trends: The non-linear trend indicates that a time series may have faster (or slower) increase at early stage and have a slower (or faster increase at more recent times). Seasonal Variation: Seasonal variations are those periodic movements in business activity which occur regularly every year. These variations tend to repeat themselves each year. Almost all businesses tend to have frequent seasonal patterns. For example men’s and boy’s clothing has extremely high sales just prior to Christmas and relatively low sales after Christmas and during the summer. How to identify seasonal variation: ? If the data are given on yearly basis there will be no seasonal basis. ? If the data are given on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis then there might be existence of the influence of the seasonal variation. Factors affecting seasonal variation: The factors that cause seasonal variations are: ? Climate and weather conditions: The most important factor causing seasonal variation in the climate and weather conditions such as rainfall, humidity, heat etc. act on different product and industries differently. For example during the winter there is great demand for woolen cloths, whereas in summer cotton clothes have greater sales. ? Customs, traditions habits: Though climate and weather are primarily responsible seasonal variations in time series, customs, traditions and habits also have their impact. For example on certain occasions like Eid, Puja the bank withdrawals go up because people want money for shopping and gifts etc. Cyclical Variation: The rise and fall of a time series over periods longer than one year. Most of the time series relating economics and business show some kind of cyclical variation. A business cycle consists of four well defined periods or phases, namely prosperity, decline, depression and improvement. For example, the annual unit sale of batteries sold by National Battery from 1984 to 2003 is shown below in the cyclical nature of business. Irregular Variation: Irregular variations refer to such variations in business activity which does not repeat in a definite pattern. Irregular variations are caused by special occurrences like flood, earthquakes, strikes and wars etc. Irregular variations can not be projected into the future. Classification of Irregular Variation: Sometimes irregular variations are subdivided into episodic and residual variations. ? Episodic Variation: Episodic fluctuations are unpredictable, but they can be identified. The initial impact on the economy of a major strike or a war can be identified, but a strike or can not predicted. ? Residual Variation: After the episodic fluctuations have been removed, the remaining variation is called the residual variation. The residual fluctuations are often called chance fluctuations. These are unpredictable and can not be identified. Classical Time Series Model: The model which states that all the components of a time series are in a relationship of multiplicative in nature is known as â€Å"Classical Time Series Model†. Mathematically the model can be written as- Y = T x S x (C x I) Here, Y = Value of the variable or result of the four elements T = Trend S = Seasonal Variation C = Cyclical Variation I = Irregular Variation Methods of trend measurement: Several methods are used in measuring Trend. Some measures the average of the trend and some measures the absolute value. Here we have listed five main methods for measuring the Trend of the Time Series. ? Linear trend measurement 1. The freehand or Graphic method 2. The Semi-average method 3. The Least Squares method ? Non-linear trend measurement 1. The freehand or Graphic method 2. Moving average method Figure: Five methods of measuring Trend Least squares method: The method where time is the independent variable and the value of the time series is the dependent variable is known as the Least Square Method. Here, an equation is developed to estimate future values. It is done by the least square technique. Many researchers suggest that we should not project the future values more than n/2 time periods (where n= number of data points) into the future. Moreover, others suggest the forecast may be for no longer than 2 years, especially in rapidly changing economic times. Here I. (Y YC) = 0 The sum of deviations of the actual values of Y and the computed values of Y is zero. II. (Y YC)2 is the least The sum of the squares of the deviations of the actual and computed values is least from this line. That is why this method is called the method of least squares. The linear trend is represented by the equation Yc = a + bx In spite of these suggestions, the Least Square Method is a very popular and important method for forecasting the future because it finds the best linear relationship between two variables. Besides, it measures the absolute value of the trend. We have also arranged our report on this Least Square Method. For this purpose we have used both the theory and their applications. We have collected the secondary data from a departmental store named Super Value Shop and calculate the data for application purpose. Here the collected data has been presented, Super Value Shop, the agent of Proctor Gamble Bangladesh Ltd. in Dhanmondi, has experienced the following sales revenues in the past 7 years Year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Sale(lac Tk.) 6 11 19 22 30 35 39 42 45 50 From the data at first we will develop an equation with the least square techniques. The Equation: The equation is- Ye = a + bt Where, Y = dependent variable of the time series a = constant b = trend (slope) t = time period This method is a direct method where- à ¥Y = an + bà ¥t à ¥Yt = aà ¥t + bà ¥t2 Here, a = and b = Now, by using the data of the Super Value Shop we will calculate the equation. For to do so we have to find out the a and b. Year Sales (lac Tk.)y t yt 1998 6 1 6 1 1999 11 2 22 4 2000 19 3 57 9 2001 22 4 88 16 2002 30 5 150 25 2003 35 6 210 36 2004 39 7 273 49 2005 42 8 336 64 2006 45 9 405 81 2007 50 10 500 100 n = 10 299 55 2047 385 So b = a = = = = 3.06 = 4.88 b (Trend) indicates the average amount of change in the variable y due to a unit change in the time period(t). So the equation is – Y = 3.06 + 4.88t This Trend Equation indicates that during the period of 1998 to 2007 sales of the Super Value Shop increased because as an average amount of Tk. 5.679 lac per year. Now by using this trend equation we can forecast the sale of the Super Value Shop. Suppose, we want to forecast the sale of 2010. Y2010 = 3.06 + 4.88 *13 = 66.5 So if the above trend equation holds to until 2010 (if the present trend continues) the sales of the Super Value Shop will stand at Tk. 66.5 lac. The Growth Rate (GR): The rate which indicates the increase of the dependent variable of the time series(Y) within the considering period is known as Growth Rate. For example, the Growth Rate of the Super Value Shop indicates the increase of the rate of sales during the period of 1998 to 2007. Shortly it is noted as GR. GR = Here, n = Total number of Years Yn = Sale of the nth year Y1 = Sale of the 1st year Now by using the data we can find out the increase (GR) of sales of the Super Value Shop. GR = = = 26.56% This GR = 26.56% indicates that during the period of 1998 to 2007 sales of the Super Value Shop increased at an average rate of 26.56% per year. The Acceleration Rate (AR): The rate which indicates how much the growth rate will be decreasing in the years to come or the following (future) years is known as the Acceleration Rate. For example, if the GR = 20% then how much (increased or decreased) it will remain in the following years. Shortly it is noted as AR. AR = Here, Y1 = Sale of 1st year Y2 = Sale of 2nd year Yn = Sale of nth year Yn-1 = Sale of the previous year of nth year Now by using the data we can find out the change (increase or decrease) of GR of the Super Value Shop. AR = = = 6.07% This AR = 6.07% indicates that in the years to come (in future) growth rate of the Super Value Shop will be decreasing at an average rate of 6.07% compared to that of the previous year’s growth rate. So, if the current year GR = 100% (26.56%) then the next year GR = 93.93% (24.95%) of the previous year’s growth rate. This will be continuing until the AR is not changed. Rule of 72: The rule which estimates how much time the current growth rate will take to make the sales doubled is known as the Rule of 72. It is calculated by 72/GR. It is an important rule in case of forecasting or estimating the future. Here we have used a few words to make it clear. If the GR = 1% then it will take 72 years to be doubled. If the GR = 72% then it will take 1 year to be doubled. If the GR = 26.56% then it will take 2.71 year to be doubled. Bibliography: Statistical Techniques in Business Economics -by Lind, Marchal, Wathen Business Statistics –by Gupta Gupta The lectures of our honorable course teacher. Research Papers on Time series analysisHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Fifth HorsemanResearch Process Part OneInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesThe Project Managment Office SystemPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesDefinition of Export QuotasBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Friday, November 22, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Research Report Issues Facing Consumers in Adopting Article

Consumer Behaviour Research Report Issues Facing Consumers in Adopting The New Product - Article Example The adoption process is a long one and which involves a variety stages. The first stage is awareness where the consumer becomes exposed to the new idea, good or service. The second stage is the Interest stage where the consumer seeks information related to the product. This is done through a variety of ways such as from brochures, from friends etc. The third stage is the evaluation stage where the consumer of the product considers the possibility of trying the new product. The fourth stage is the Trial stage where the consumer tries the new product on rather a small scale so as to improve his or her estimate of the product’s value. The last stage is the adoption stage where the consumer will make use of the product on a large scale and on a regular basis. Therefore from the above discussion we have seen that adopting a particular product is not a simple task and so much has to be done on the part of the producer to make sure that the new product is adopted by his/her potential customers. There are a variety of issues that face consumers in adopting the new product, these include: the Internal/external environment, the socio cultural and psychological factors, attitudes, beliefs, learning and decision making . The above named factors are explained below. Internal/external environment The success of a new good or service is high dependent on the internal and external environmental factors of a particular company or organization. The internal environment of the organization comprise of the management, the staff, the methods of production involved in coming up with the product or service and its distribution channels. The management should come up with strategies of marketing the product to ensure that many people are aware of the product so that they increase the chances of consumers using it. The staff on the other hand should perceive the product positively so that they talk well of the product to potential consumers (Consumer Buying Behavior, n.d.). They should also be motivated so that they can find something positive to talk about. The production channels should be efficient such that they are able to produce the required number of products to meet demand. This can be through use of appropriate technology and manpower. The distribution channels should be such that they can reach many consumers of the product. If the consumer hears about a certain product he/she should be able to find it in the nearest shop. For Philip Island Nature Park, they should motivate the staff so that they are able to speak positively of the new project. The management should also design strategies that will make people know of the existence of this new project (Solomon, 2010, pp.26-58). The external environment also plays a big role especially with regards to perception. The consumers need to be aware of the company in a positive light so that they can feel proud being associated with their products. If this is done the adoption process is made easy because people will want to try out the new product and if they feel good they will adopt it. It will also reduce the cost of generating awareness and interest in the people before they begin to evaluate the product. The consumers will move directly to the trial stage and this saves a lot of money for the company as

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Experiences of Dick Spencer in Modrow Plant of Tri-American Essay - 1

The Experiences of Dick Spencer in Modrow Plant of Tri-American Corporation - Essay Example Dick inherited problems at Modrow plant; he was not included in initial planning and spent a lot of time in getting up to speed. His friendly and easy going attitude was not appreciated in the English plant as well as the Modrow plant by Canadian workers, as his casual strolls were considered as suspicious and steadily his stature and authority as a plant manager was undermined by the workers. The limitations he had as a leader was his inability to understand accounting practices and delegating tasks to his sub-ordinates, as a result he started taking interest in minor or unimportant issues of the plant. This micro management kept him away from core issues rising from expansion and modernization of the plant. His attempts to gain insights by spending time in manufacturing area were not ideal and a trusting behavior towards middle management should have brought better results in implementing the changes he wanted. He was not furnished by the relevant information by middle management a s they had doubts about his abilities as a leader additionally his obsession for gaining insight from workers left the middle management with lack of trust in him. In order for a successful change to come whether it is cost saving initiative, modernization or expansion Dick should have paid attention to more strategic issues of the time and used his time for inculcating trust within management, there are many leaders who lack the technical knowledge or experience but they achieve results by leaving the technical aspects of the work to technical staff communicating with their line managers and not seeing everything as a potential for cost saving initiatives. A gradual or incremental change would have helped Dick in first normalizing the situation due to his appointment ahead of local operating staff, gain trust of managers by staying away from the workers followed by understanding the modernization and expansion challenges.  This change is suggested keeping the personality of Dick in consideration, consequently an authoritative leader would have opted for a rapid change while resisting forces would have been removed or sidelined.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Write about 5 artist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Write about 5 artist - Essay Example It is at Yale that Bartlett fully understood the progressive approach to modern artistry. This combined with the vibrant art scene in nearby New York was instrumental to her development as an artist in those early years (37). Bartlett’s first solo exhibition in 1970 at Alan Saret’s loft and a later exhibition in 1974 at the Paula Cooper Gallery showcased her unique artistic concepts. Her work which incorporated the use of various systems to create order and at the same time oppose it made her an icon in the world of art. She was bale to explore the use of different materials and the conceptual process to make objects and images. This post-minimalist and realist painter is well known for her interiors and landscapes which are created in a way that explore the relationship between the object and the painted image. She used materials such as pen and ink, pencil, brush and ink, gouache and oil pastel to create her paintings. (Gaze 218). One of her most famous works is the gigantic mural situated at the Federal Building in Atlanta, Georgia. She created this two hundred foot mural in 1981. Since then, she has been creating works of art which all have characteristics of her use of mundane objects. Bartlett’s paintings can be found in various public collections in Museums such as the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC, New York’s Museum of Modern Art, the walker Art center in Minnesota, Honolulu’s Contemporary museum and the Tate Gallery in London (Gaze 219). In the world of art, Julian Schnabel is considered as one of the most outstanding artists of the 20th century. He was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1951 to Jack Schnabel and Esta Greenberg. He resolved to be an artist while he was still a young boy. After receiving his B.F.A from the University of Houston, he joined the Whitney Museum of American Art under the inde[pendent study program. He had his first show as a solo artist in 1975, and thereafter he traveled to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The role of pressure groups in Britain

The role of pressure groups in Britain Euphrasia ChiguduBritish Government and Politics 20 March 2015 Define pressure groups and critically analyse their role and importance to British democracy. This essay will define pressure groups giving an explanation of each different pressure group, their role and importance to British democracy. The essay will also evaluate the developments and impacts of various political movements, will briefly evaluate the various political governmental systems that underpin British systems of government. It will also identify and offer an analytical account of the elements that make up the British political culture. The essay will analyse and evaluate recent changes to political systems and major political players. Lastly it will analyse and evaluate the role of external influences in British democracy. Pressure groups differ from political parties in various ways. Pressure groups are organisations set up to try to influence what we think about the law and its environment. They can challenge and even change the law by writing letters to MPs, contacting the press, organising marches and even running campaigns (Anon., 2014). They are organisations which campaign for change in the law or new legislation in specific areas. As such, they can have a strong influence on public opinion and voting behaviour. They are a group formed to protect and advance a specific interest or cause through lobbying powerfully rather than elections. They are distinct from political parties because they do not seek power. Instead they aim to influence those already in power. They also do not a have general programme or manifesto, and focus on single issues or areas. Pressure groups allow people the opportunity to participate in democracy by being involved in social change without necessarily joining a politic al party. In some ways, pressure groups may be viewed as essential to democracy because they allow the free expression of opinion and the opportunity to influence governments. Because of this, pressure groups are not tolerated in non-democratic countries (Anon., 2014). Pressure groups developed to defend and promote interests likely to be affected by particular government policies. For its own part, Government has to appreciate pressure groups as valuable sources of information and potential support. The advent of modern media have provided a vast arena in which pressure groups can compete on equal terms with the political parties, to deliver their message to the public (Jones Norton, 2014) Pg 180. A distinction is usually drawn between sectional or interest groups, cause and promotional groups. Sectional or interest groups are the ones that aim to represent the common interests of a particular section of society and are mostly concerned `restricted. They also aim to get as many el igible members as possible to join the group. These are open only to certain individuals, like the members of trade union or the National union of journalist. The cause or promotional groups, they have open membership from public. They promote a cause. They exist to promote an idea not directly related to the personal interests of its members. Pressure groups have species which include peak association these are organisations that represent broad bands of similar groups such as employers, fire brigade groups they form in reaction to a specific problem and disband if and when it has been solved, episodic groups usually are non-political but occasionally throw themselves into campaigning when their interest are affected and the online pressure groups they usually focus on abuse of power, torture and war crimes and mustering hundreds of thousands of signatures to bring pressure to bear, often with remarkable success (BBC, 2014). It should be noted that pressure groups regularly seek to influence each other to maximise impact and often find themselves in direct conflict over certain issues. In several stages of the policy process pressure groups have opportunities to play an important role, in the parliament they may influence the final form of legislation. When governments issue Green papers (setting out policy option for discussion) and White papers (proposals for legislation) pressure groups may lobby backbenchers or civil servants. Pressure groups are often divided into two categories according to their characteristic and methods they interpret; the insider group and the outsider group. Insider groups have close links with the government and they are trusted by the government. They tend to choose more legal and legimate methods such as lobbying to influence the decision making process. They will give advice and will be consulted prior to legislation which may affect that group, for example the British Medical Association will be consulted on the matters relati ng to health, and RSPCA will be consulted with the matters related to animals. Insider pressure groups are most likely to be consulted regularly by governments. Outsider groups often take action of which the government disapproves. Organisations like Greenpeace often engage in civil disobedience or direct action in order to reinforce their point. Outsider groups on the other hand, are either not consulted by government or consulted irregularly and not usually by the senior level. Some outsider groups are wealthy and use a great deal of publicity to attract people to promote their cause (Anon., 2014). Sometimes pressure groups might be seen as a threat to democracy because a relatively small, unelected group of individuals can force a change in the law. They do employ a variety of methods to promote their cause. Political movement is a social group which operates together to obtain a political goal, on a local, regional, national or international scope. They have influence inside Parliament if there is an MP who is a member of the group or is understanding to it. MPs with relationships to pressure groups must declare an interest when speaking on behalf of the group. MPs may also receive payment for promoting the cause but they must declare it. The cabinet is a committee at the centre of the British political system and supreme decision-making body in the government. The British Prime Minister has traditionally been referred to as primus inter pares, which means first among equals and demonstrates that he or she is a member of collective decision-making body of the cabinet, rather than an individual who has powers in their own right. The Prime Minister first among equal simply in recognition of the responsibility held for appointing and dismissing all the other Cabinet members. The Cabinet is made up of the senior members of government. Every Tuesday while Parliament is in session the members of Cabinet (Secretaries of state from all departments and some other ministers) meet in the Cabinet room at 10 Downing Street to discuss the issues of the day and to decide what the most important issues for the government are. The Prime Minister chairs the meeting and sets its agenda; he also decides who speaks around the Cabinet tabl e and sums up at the end of each item. It is this summing up that then becomes the government policy (Anon., 2015). The Cabinet nonetheless remains a core component of British government. The functions ascribed to it in 19th century remain relevant and, in practice, are complemented by important political roles. They have five essential principal roles; they approve policy, resolve disputes, constrain the Prime Minister, unify government and unify the parliamentary party. Parliament is the highest legislative authority in the UK. It has responsibility for checking the work of government and examining, debating and approving new laws. It is also known as the `Legislature` (Anon., 2015). It is an essential part of UK politics. Its main roles are examining and challenging the work of the government (scrutiny), enabling the government to raise taxes. The business of Parliament takes place in two houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Ministers stand at the heart of British government. In legal terms, they are the most powerful figures in government. Legal powers are vested in senior ministers, not in the Prime Minister or Cabinet. Senior ministers are those appointed to head government departments. Their formal designation is Ministers of the Crown. Each Minister of the Crown heads a government department. Each has a number of other ministers, known as junior ministers, to assist in fulfilling the responsibility of the office. Each senior minister has one or more political advisers and also has a body of civil servants – permanent, non-political professionals to advise on policy and to ensure the implementation of policy once it is agreed on (Jones Norton, 2014) Pg 392. They discusses various points of view, weigh up arguments concerning whatever is being discussed and come to a decision that is backed by the majority of the Cabinet. As such it becomes government policy, if supported in the House of Commons, and have the legitimacy of majorit y Cabinet support behind it. This means that decisions have collective responsibility behind them. All Cabinet members would be expected to publicly support and defend such policies. Cabinet ministers would also be expected to defend such policies during parliamentary debates. If Cabinet minister feel that he/she cannot defend a policy, he/she has the option to resign from the Cabinet (Trueman, 2000-2015). The monarchy is the oldest secular institution in England. The formal power that the crown conferred- executive, legislative and judicial- was exercised personally by the monarch. The King has a court to advise him and, as the task of government became more demanding, so various functions were exercised on the King`s behalf by other bodies. Those bodies now exercise power independent of the control of the monarch, but remain formally the instruments of the crown. The courts are Her Majesty`s court`s and the government is Her Majesty`s government. Parliament is summoned and prorogued by royal decree. Civil servants are crown appointees (Jones Norton, 2014) Pg 276. The monarch exercises few powers, but those powers remain important. However, the importance of the monarchy in the 21st century derives more from what it stands for than from what it does. The monarch has been eclipsed as a major political institution not only by the sheer demands of governing a growing kingdom but also by changes in the popular perception of what form of government is legitimate. The policy-making power exercised by a hereditary monarch has given way to the exercise of power by institutions deemed more representative. However, the monarch has retained a claim to be a representative institution in one particular definition of the term. It claims that it largely defines the activities of the monarch today (Jones Norton, 2014) Pg 274. Pressure groups provide an essential freedom for citizens, especially minorities, to organise with like-minded individuals so that their views can be heard by others and taken into account by government. They help to disperse power from the central institutions and provide important checks against possibly over-powerful legislatures and executives. Pressure groups also provide functional representation according to occupation and belief, they allow for continuity of representation between elections, thus enhancing the degree of participation in the democratic system. They provide a safety valve an outlet for the pent-up energies of those who carry grievances or feel hard done by, they apply scrutiny to government activity, publicising poor practice and maladministration (Jones Norton, 2014) Pg 195. As globalisation is one of the external influences in British democracy, it is generally defined with reference to set of economic and technological changes which are held to have dramatically increased economic and communication flows across what are seen as increasingly porous national borders. Hence globalisation is generally associated with nations of the world becoming increasingly interconnected, with good, services, investment, financial transactions and skilled labour moving freely between countries, and of globe effectively `shrinking` in comparison to previous decades, due to rapid developments in telecommunications and the continued growth and expansion of air travel (Jones Norton, 2014) Pg 522. Under globalisation trade tends to grow faster than national input, so that a higher proportion of national production is exported and higher proportion of consumption is imported. In conclusion pressure groups seek to influence policy and not control it. Regardless of the type of pressure group, they eventually aim to make governments aware of public views not shared in political parties. They also often create new ideas and conceive a programme of reform. Some groups have too much influence over government. Overall pressure groups and their features do play a coherent role to promote and enhance democracy as they raise the public awareness and provide direct opportunities to participate. BIBLIOGRAHPY Anon., 2014. GCSE Bitesize. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 March 2015]. Anon., 2014. Higher Bitesize. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 7 March 2015]. Anon., 2015. GOV UK. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2015]. Anon., 2015. Parliament UK. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 March 2015]. BBC, 2014. Higher Bitesize. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2015]. Jones, B. Norton, P., 2014. POLITICS UK. 8th ed. Oxon: Routledge. Trueman, C., 2000-2015. The Cabinet and British Politics. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 11 March 2015]. 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Rise Of Violent Crime In Canada Essay -- essays research papers f

The Rise of Violent Crime In Canada Violent crime in Canada is on the rise in Canada as well as the types of violent crimes being committed against the public. It has been on the rise for many, many years. I believe and intend to prove in the following essay that it is societies responsibility for the rise of violent crime with their unwillingness and inability to effectively deal with the current trend in our society. In the last few years, a slight dip in violent crime has been noted, but we must view this with skepticism as no official statistics are available. As well as this could be an example of society realizing that the Criminal Justice System is not effectively dealing with the trend of violence in Canada. This would be true by way of the fact that people are not reporting these crimes to the police. Generally all the statistics that are gathered and used by the police are based upon reported crime and no conjecture on unreported crime is included in these official statistics. To fully understand what violent crime is, we must first define what violent crime is in actuality. All to often, people in Canadian society refer to general wrongdoing as being a crime. A simple example of this is when grocery stores all raise their prices for certain food products. People then refer very casually to this act as a crime or that these prices are criminal. Individuals in our Society often have a fear of being victimized by others, such as the government, friends and or strangers. This fear is often equated with crime since all crimes have a winner and a loser or victim as would be the legal term. This equation often makes involvement in these acts of "crime" a personal thing. Which results in stronger feelings and sometimes irrational thinking towards the whole subject of crime. Many times people are not reporting these crimes because it is their duty in a society to help uphold the laws of ones society. In actuality, they are reporting the crime for needed compensation whether it be for medical costs or lost wages. Another reason some people report crimes is because they are doing it as an avenging act to extract a revenge they could not otherwise get for themselves. This is a main reason in the fact that police officers need to investigate reported crimes and determine if a crime had actually been committed o... ...otions and problems. Social upheavals have occurred in recent times and gender roles have been obscured causing more problems with the continuity of society. Values and ideas are being taught to new members of a society which are old and out dated methods. This could be a causing factor into which violence is increasing. As frustration increases and a lack of understanding of how to interact among different people in a society is gone, the problems appear to be mounting and getting bigger everyday. The social methods of control are falling behind and chaos is coming out as a leader in our society. Bibliography Fleming, Thomas. The New Crimonolgies in Canada. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1985. Johnson, Holly. Violent Crime. Canadian Social Trends. Larsen,Nick. The Candian Criminal Justice System. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press Inc., 1995. Macionis, John J.. Sociology. Scarborough, Ontario: Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1994 Roberts, Albert R.. Critical Issues in Crime and Justice. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, 1994. Siverman, Robert A., Teevan, James J.. Crime in Canadian Society. Toronto, Canada: Butterworth and Co. Ltd., 1975.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Messed Up Education Can Be Essay

So just like any other year, students have to attend the opening ceremony; my little sister sat down in the last rows filled with graffiti in the auditorium I looked up and thinking to myself, â€Å" They changed the principle again, whoever in charge, do they think it will fix the problems? † They have been using this method for ages. Every year, the new principle would give an awesome speech about how they would fix everything. But the past decade, same problems still haunt the school. Even though fear and worries in my head, I have no choice but to let my little sister attends this school. Welcome to Northeast High of the Kansas City District; welcome to the education of my life. I moved to America when I was twelve and I attended Northeast Middle School. The District put me in the ELL (English Language Learner) program because I didn’t speak any English. So in those three years, I learned as much as I could but I was still a kid, I didn’t really pay attention to my education nor did I care about it. But in 8th grade, I got a peak of how education could turn out. Mr. Bui was my math teacher that year, he was special. Even though the school set up its lesson plan, Mr. Bui didn’t follow it; he told the class that we were ready for higher level class. So he ordered an old set of high school Algebra I textbooks and started teaching. I knew he was a good teacher, the whole class got A in the end of the year and we were ready for high school. When I was a freshman in high school that was where education became more serious for me. All the students that went to Northeast Middle were automatically enrolled in Northeast High, which is right next to each other. The school is about to be 100 years old and it was popular for all the bad things, such as: gangs, shooting, fighting, drugs, and bad education. My family didn’t want me to go to this school. But we had no choice, we couldn’t afford to move. At first, I thought these violent wouldn’t matter because I was going to try hard to learn. But I was dead wrong, the school was like a prison, these were ten security guards and two police officers always on standby in case of emergency. It just made you feel like a criminal being watch instead of a normal student like you are supposed to be. But the biggest problem prevented me from learning was the teacher, they were horrible. It seemed like they were there to babysit us, most of them would tell you to crack a book open and read one chapter then do the reviews. They usually read the newspaper, play games or read a book. Once, the class even caught my teacher watching inappropriate videos on his computer. Things were horrible, there were no such thing as homework, the school use the excuse there wasn’t enough textbook for students to bring home. Even so, not all the teacher were bad, some of them are actually teaching and a few were doing well in it. I guess it’s about who cares and who doesn’t. Of course, the students love it, they never had to do anything to get a good grade. You can just sleep in one class the entire year and would still able to pass with C. Sometimes I enjoy it but other time I hated it because I have high expectation of myself. In my junior year, the Kansas City School District was low on funds for education. It closed down a few schools and Northeast High was on the list. But then in the meeting for voting, there were so many parents showing up and spoke up; Northeast High remain stay open. Even so, the District closed down Northeast Middle and put the students in high school and it turned into the K-12 program. Which they made the problems worse; every week there would be a fight in the school, more gangs related, more bullies, more graffiti, and more shooting in the neighborhood. We had big an incident when a girl got raped in the bathroom, but they kept it as a secret. The victim moved away and the kids took part in it was punished. In my last year of my high school, disaster strike when the Kansas City School District lost its accreditation. The reason we lost it is because of the students test scores, I wasn’t really surprise but I was mad. My whole education life felt like trash, I wish I could do something to change it. But even so, I hoped for a better education in college so I kept going. The senior class of 2012, there were 142 students but only about half of us graduated. I was in the top 10% of the class rank and I received a few scholarships. Only a handful of class went on to a 4 years-college, some went to community college and the rest still trying to find a job. There are many reasons why the education system could be so mess up but someone, somehow need to fix it. If one can fire the useless teacher and hire the good teacher. I think things would be a little better. Of course, if the neighborhood were better, the school wouldn’t be effect by all the bad things around it. I’m hoping my family will finally able to move next year so my little sister doesn’t have to go through the same thing I did. I’m also glad I made it to college and getting a good education. I know some kids out there that wish to be me right now.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Henry Howard Holmes, One of Americas first Serial Killers

I researched who is to be believed as the one of america’s First Serial Killers, Herman Webster Mudgett aka Dr. Henry Howard Holmes. He had confessed to 27 murders, but only 9 could actually be proven. He had several victims during his time and choose what he felt was the perfect place for these murders. Herman was born on May 16th, 1861 in Gilmanton, New Hampshire to Levi Horton Mudgett and Theodate Page Price, both of whom were descended from the first settlers in the area. His father was a very violent alcoholic and his mother was a Methodist who would often read the bible to her son. Holmes had a privileged childhood. It has been said that he appeared to be unusually intelligent at an early age. Still there were haunting signs of what was to come. He expressed an interest in medicine, which reportedly led him to practice surgery on animals. Some accounts indicate that he may have been responsible for the death of a friend. As a child Herman was scared of the local doctor and when this got out bullies at his school forced him to view and touch a human skeleton. It turns out that this fascinated Herman so much that he actually scared the bullies who forced him into very badly. During much of his life he was considered a loner and very shady. Herman would later graduate from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1884, but while he was enrolled there he began to explore a new area or hobby. He would steal bodies from the lab disfigured the bodies, and claimed that the people were killed accidentally in order to collect insurance money from policies he took out on each deceased person he had stolen. After Graduation he began to dabble in more shady work such as pharmaceuticals, real estate and promotional deals under his created alias H.  H. Holmes. On July 4th 1878, Holmes married Clara Lovering in Alton, New Hampshire; their son, Robert Lovering Mudgett, was born on February 3rd 1880 in Loudon, New Hampshire (in adult life Robert was to become a Certified Public Accountant, and served as City Manager of Orlando, Florida). On January 28th 1887, while he was still married to Clara, Holmes married Myrta Belknap in Minneapolis, Minnesota; their daughter, Lucy Theodate Holmes, was born on July 4th 1889 in Englewood, Illinois. (in adult life Lucy was to become a public schoolteacher). Holmes lived with Myrta and Lucy in Wilmette, Illinois, and spent most of his time in Chicago tending to business. He filed for divorce from Clara after marrying Myrta, but the divorce was never finalized. He married Georgiana Yoke on January 9th 1894 in Denver, Colorado while still married to Clara and Myrta. He also had a relationship with Julia Smythe, the wife of one of his former employees; Julia later became one of Holmes's victims. While in Chicago, Holmes had started to grow even more shady and criminal. Holmes took a job in a drugstore which he would buy and promise to let the current store owner live even after her husband died. When her husband died however she simply disappeared and as people began to question where she was Holmes lied and told them she went to California and liked it there so much that she decided she would stay there. These people would actually turn out to be his first victims in his long murder spree and it is unknown how and when he murdered them. Holmes purchased a lot across from the drugstore and built what would be later known as his Murder Castle (which is where it is believed that he hid the bodies of Dr.  E. S. Holton and his wife). Holmes would open it up as a hotel for the World's Columbian Exposition in 1893, with part of the structure used as commercial space. The ground floor of the Castle contained Holmes's own relocated drugstore and various shops, while the upper two floors contained his personal office and a maze of over one hundred windowless rooms with doorways opening to brick walls, oddly angled hallways, stairways to nowhere, doors opened only from the outside, and a host of other strange and labyrinthine constructions. Holmes repeatedly changed builders during the construction of the Castle, so only he fully understood the design of the house, thus decreasing the chance of being reported to the police. Holmes selected mostly female victims from among his employees (many of which were required as a condition of employment to take out life insurance policies for which Holmes would pay the premiums but also be the beneficiary), as well as his lovers and hotel guests. He tortured and killed them in some of the worst possible ways you could imagine. Some were locked in soundproof bedrooms fitted with gas lines that let him asphyxiate them at any time and some were locked in a huge soundproof bank vault near his office where they were left to suffocate. He would then take the victims' bodies and drop by secret chute to the basement where some were meticulously dissected, stripped of flesh, crafted into skeleton models, and then sold to medical schools. Holmes also cremated some of the bodies or placed them in lime pits for destruction. Holmes had two giant furnaces as well as pits of acid, bottles of various poisons, and even a stretching rack which he would use to help dispose of the bodies and any evidence. Through the connections he had gained in medical school, he sold skeletons and organs with little difficulty and therefore was able to get rid of even more evidence. He had some of the best methods for disposing of all of his victims and the evidence that anything had ever even happened which is why it is so difficult to determine just how many victims he actually had and who they were. There were also trapdoors and chutes so that he could move the bodies down to the basement where he could burn his victims’ remains in a kiln there or dispose of them in other ways. All the while, Holmes continued to work insurance scams and it was one of these scams that led to his undoing. He joined forces with Benjamin Pitezel to collect $10,000 from a life insurance company. Holmes would leave Chicago due to the economy and move down to Fort Worth, Texas, to a property that he inherited from two sisters he promised to marry and later murdered. He had planned to build another castle, but would abandon that idea and move about the US as well as Canada and he was believed to have killed several more victims on his travels, but no evidence of this could be found. Holmes's murder spree finally ended when he was arrested in Boston on November 17, 1894, after being tracked there from Philadelphia by the Pinkertons(a national detective agency). He was held on an outstanding warrant for horse theft in Texas, as the police had little more than suspicions at this point and Holmes appeared ready to leave the country, with his unsuspecting third wife. After the custodian for the Castle informed police that he was never allowed to clean the upper floors, police began a thorough investigation over the course of the next month, uncovering Holmes's efficient methods of committing murders and then disposing of the corpses. While Holmes sat in prison in Philadelphia, not only did the Chicago police investigate his operations in that city, but the Philadelphia police began to try to unravel the Pitezel situation, the fate of the three missing children. Philadelphia detective Frank Geyer was given the task of finding out and his quest for the children, like the search of Holmes's Castle, received wide publicity. He would eventually discover their remains essentially sealed Holmes's fate, at least in the public mind. Holmes was put on trial for the murder of Pitezel and confessed, following his conviction, to 27 murders in Chicago, Indianapolis and Toronto, and six attempted murders. Holmes was paid $7,500 ($197,340 in today's dollars) by the Hearst Newspapers in exchange for this confession. He gave various contradictory accounts of his life, claiming initially innocence and later that he was possessed by Satan. His faculty for lying has made it difficult for researchers to ascertain any truth on the basis of his statements. On May 7, 1896, H. H. Holmes went to the hangman's noose. His last meal was boiled eggs, dry toast, and coffee. Even at the noose, he changed his story. He claimed to have killed only two people, and tried to say more but at 10:13 the trapdoor opened and he was hanged, it took him fully 15 minutes to strangle to death on the gallows. Afraid of body-snatchers who might capitalize on his corpse, Holmes had made a request: He wanted no autopsy and he instructed his attorneys to see that he was buried in a coffin filled with cement. This was taken to Holy Cross Cemetery south of Philadelphia and two Pinkerton guards stood over the grave during the night before the body was finally interred in a double grave also filled with cement. No stone was erected to mark it, Larson states, although its presence is recorded on a cemetery registry. Holmes attorneys had turned down an offer of $5,000 for his body, and even refused his brain to Philadelphias Wistar Institute, which hoped to have its experts analyze the organ for better understanding of the criminal mind. Larson recounts a series of strange events afterward that gave credence to the rumors that Holmes was satanic, including several weird deaths and a fire at the D. A. s office that destroyed everything there save a photograph of Holmes. During this case, another American phenomenon arose from society's fascination with sensational crime. Thousands of people lined up to see the Chicago murder site, so a former police officer remodeled the infamous building as â€Å"Holmes's Horror Castle,† an attraction that offered guided tours to the suffocation chambers and torture rooms. But before it opened it mysteriously burned to the ground. So many people who'd rented rooms from Holmes during the fair had actually gone missing that sensational estimates of his victims reached around 200, and some people perpetuated this unsubstantiated toll even today. Its likely that Holmes own figure from his recanted confession is low, but there is no way to know just how many he actually killed. In the end he was so worried that someone would want to do to him what he had done to so many others that he felt the only way he could rest in peace was to be encased in concrete. He was one of the first ever serial killers and one of the worst. It was horrible what he did and all of the lives lost because of this man. In my opinion his request for a protected grave was one of the things that show you how crazy this man really was and how smart he was all at the same time. In my opinion the starting point in H. H. Holmes spiral to murder would be that as a child, schoolmates forced him to view and touch a human skeleton after discovering his fear of the local doctor. The bullies initially brought him there to scare him, but instead he was utterly fascinated, and he soon became obsessed with death. He started by stealing bodies from the morgue, would disfigure them and then claim they were accidentally killed so he could collect on an insurance policy he would take out on each person. Some of his fellow students became scared of him while trying to bully him, he was a bigamist, some felt he was charming, he was manipulative, and many of those around him viewed him as suspicious and shady. H. H. Holmes seemed to have the perfect idea on how to get rich and how to get away with murder and in fact he did for a long time. He was a very smart man and that is the reason that I believe he was able to go so long without getting caught. On New Year's Eve, 1910, Marion Hedgepeth, who had been pardoned for informing on Holmes, was shot and killed by a police officer during a holdup at a Chicago saloon. Then, on March 7, 1914, the Chicago Tribune reported that, with the death of the former caretaker of the Murder Castle, Pat Quinlan, â€Å"the mysteries of Holmes' Castle† would remain unexplained. Quinlan had committed suicide by taking strychnine. Quinlan's surviving relatives claimed Quinlan had been â€Å"haunted† for several months before his death and could not sleep.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Machine stops essays

The Machine stops essays The science of practical and industrial arts is defined by the term technology. Harlan Ellison illustrates this in I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream that an anti-technology viewpoint of machines can be used as the controlling force of the future. The Machine Stops by Edward Forester also demonstrates this realization. In the writings of Mr. Ellison, he exerts the governing force through his machine AM. That force had been created as the result of human abuse that AM had sustained over the past several hundred years. We have given AM sentience. Inadvertently, of course, but sentience nonetheless. But it had been trapped. AM wasnt God, he was a machine. We had created him to think, but there was nothing he could do with that creativity. In rage, infrenzy, the machine had killed the human race, almost all of us, and still it was trapped. AM could not wonder, AM could not wonder, AM could not belong. He could merely be. And so, with the innate loathing that all machines had always held for the weak, soft creatures who had built them, he had sought revenge. Thus the force in which human beings themselves had created could not think beyond what minute creativity he had been given. He had been created without an identity, but with the feeling of human emotion. Hate. Let me tell you how mu ch Ive come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word hate was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant for you. Hate. AM despised human beings for creating him! Maybe its not from his creation alone that his hatred sores, but that he was created with an infraction. If that where an infraction, could it have been he was created to have the human ability to f...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Definition Methods Of Data Collection And Analysis Dissertation

Definition Methods Of Data Collection And Analysis - Dissertation Example The study will involve both secondary review and primary survey to gather the required data (Bergman, 2008). The secondary data collection method in this study is necessary to give us the current position about the earlier studies carried on the topic. The literature search will be conducted for relevant articles published between 2000 and 2014. The comparative studies that reported such outcomes as error rates, radiologist productivity, and departmental productivity will be selected. The retrieved studies will be examined for quality and risk of bias (Hammersley, 2012). On the other hand, the primary survey using semi-structured interview will help carry out a fresh study using the shortfalls in the literature review to help balance the weakness of the literature. The primary survey will be the focus on such workflows as filmless with speech recognition, filmless with manual transcription, the film with manual transcription, the film with speech recognition. This is also necessary as it will incorporate the development that has taken place in the execution of the previous studies so as to remain updated. Two surveys will be submitted to the candidate sites. Here, the first survey will be used to determine the suitable available data for follow-up. The subsequent survey will request data for report turn-around times, report volume and full-time equivalent staffing levels (Bowling, 2009). Data will be gathered and stored in a Microsoft Access Database for the subsequent statistical analysis to be performed in Excel. The regression and correlation analytical tools will be used in analyzing the data gathered.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Flying on a Full Service Airline as Opposed Low Fair Discount Carrier Term Paper

Flying on a Full Service Airline as Opposed Low Fair Discount Carrier - Term Paper Example The airline is home to more than 35000 employees who are the backbone of the airline company. The employees are provided with friendly working environment to help them deliver the best services to the customers. Southwest Airlines has further strengthened itself by acquiring the Air Tran Airways in 2011. The mission of the company has been to deliver the best quality services to its customers at low price which has enabled the airline to grab a large market share. Executive Summary of Marketing Plan The marketing strategy is an important aspect for the company to launch a new product. The marketing strategy involves factors like target market which hold the key to success for the new airline in the competitive airline industry. It gives the airline company the leverage to target the desired market. Competitor description and the analysis of direct and indirect competitors is also an important part of a marketing plan. The strategy followed by the competitors and its weakness can prov ide the airline company advantage. ... Pricing strategy can make customers opt for the company’s product or reject it for being expensive. The right method to implement a pricing strategy is to make the product valuable in terms of its price. The implementation plan finally needs to take place considering all the marketing strategy factors. A proper analysis of these factors can provide better knowledge to the Southwest Airline Company regarding the launch of its new full service airline. Description of Target Market A group of people who are looked upon by the company as the customers which can fit in the marketing strategy adopted by the company can be termed as the target market. Target market is the most essential component to a company’s marketing plan. Southwest Airlines marketing plan largely depends on the 4 P’s of marketing mix and the target market to decide the success of its new product. Target market can be segmented into the following four parts: Geographic Segmentation Southwest Airline can segment its desired target market based on the nation, state, region, country, etc. to which a customer belongs. The airline company then can decide whether it wants to function in selected geographic regions or across every geographic area. The airline has to accordingly develop its product or service (Kotler & Armstrong, 2008, p.173). Demographic Segmentation Demographic segmentation is another variable which divides the target market based on the factors like age, religion, gender, family, etc. This segmentation can prove to be a boon for the airline company as it is easily measurable and can be used to select the target market for its new product or service. Psychographic Segmentation This segmentation can help the airline company to divide the customers on the